Nobel Prize Winner Successful “Homeopathy” Water Experiment Broadcast on France National Television

Luc Montagnier won the Nobel prize for discovering the AIDS virus. A documentary on Luc Mondagnier’s transmission of an imprint in water, showing that water can have a memory, was successfully done on French television.

The Documentary “On a retrouvé la mémoire de l’eau [Rediscovering the Memory of Water]” has been broadcast by the state-owned France 5 television station. You can also watch it on You Tube at

It is an amazing experiment which demonstrates that water holds some sort of memory and that this memory can even be digitally transmitted.


Hard Hitting Documentary on Homeopathy About to Be Released

A documentary called “Magic Pills”, showing how homeopathy is practised world wide and the multitude of successful scientific research studies is about to be released. It also shows how much of this positive research on homeopathy has been suppressed.

Here is a quote from the web site for Homeopathy and The Magic Pills Movie:

Our current medical system is broken. It focuses on profits and disease, rather than people and wellness. It has few answers for chronic illness, and many of the treatments have side effects that can be worse than the original illness they’re meant to treat.

Homeopathy could be one of the more affordable and effective forms of medicine available. It’s been used to treat everything from Cancer to AIDS and even to prevent disease with very compelling results. There is an increasing body of evidence in the scientific literature to support the 200 years of clinical homeopathic experience, but this evidence is concealed and falsely ridiculed by a system afraid of alternatives.

Check it out here:

Magic Pills A film by Ananda More

There is Now Proof Australian Research Council Rigged Their Study of Homeopathy’s Effectiveness

At the end of the new documentary on homeopathy “Just One Drop,” there is a section on the 2015 study about the scientific validity of homeopathy done by The Australian National Health and Medical Research Council. The Research Council published a negative conclusion that got world wide press.

As reported in the documentary, a subsequent investigation done by an Australian individual and other Australian homeopathy groups showed that the Council’s researchers involved in this study were terribly biased and even lied about their impartiality. The initial chair of the study was a leading outspoken skeptic of homeopathy.

At first, an impartial company with a group of researchers were fired by the Council when they presented a report that concluded that homeopathy was effective. Then the subsequent research group, under the Council’s direct guidance, created criteria for evaluating studies of homeopathy that were never used before in the evaluation of other scientific studies. This unprecedented procedure effectively blocked all studies of homeopathy that had a positive result. In response, one of the researchers interviewed on camera belligerently justified these actions by claiming ‘it was homeopathy!’ they were evaluating.

There are many dramatically positive scientific studies validating homeopathy’s effectiveness and none of these were included in their report. Many are described on this web site.

Even though there have been many complaints to the Research Council, after 2 years, there is still no substantial results of their supposed review of the lack of integrity and dishonesty by their own researchers. For more detailed information see the documentary Just One Drop.

New Film on Homeopathy Released

A new film on homeopathy has been released by Laurel Chiten (Blind Dog FIlms) who is the Producer and Director. “Just One Drop” explores the people who have been dramatically helped by homeopathy as well as the history and controversy of homeopathy.


Pharmaceutical Industry Funding of Anti-homeopathy Skeptic Groups Uncovered

Sense about Science, a well funded anti-homeopathy skeptic organization in the United Kingdom, complained about a consumer’s group’s assertion that they represent and are funded by the pharmaceutical industry.  After further investigation, even more funding than previously revealed was uncovered.

A spokesperson for the consumer group investigating Sense about Science said, “In investigating their complaints we looked more closely at the sources of funding of Sense About Science, and have found that our original figures for the charity’s support by the pharmaceutical industry were too conservative.”

The consumer group, H:MC21 also wrote in response to Sense about Science complaining:

You quote us as saying that Sense About Science “received over 35% of its donation funding from the pharmaceutical industry between 2004 and 2009”, but then refer only to funding “from pharmaceutical companies”. As a result of the investigation following your email, we have found that our original claim about Sense About Science’s funding was too conservative. In fact Sense About Science appears to have received an average of 42.3% of its total income between 2004 and 2010 from pharmaceutical companies or organisations clearly linked to the pharmaceutical industry. In 2006, the year [the anti-homeopathy] ‘Sense About Homeopathy’ was published, there was a huge leap in such funding, from £37,300 (36.9% of total income) to £102,165 (51.2% of total income). Full details are included in Appendix 1.

The Canadian and USA skeptic organization called Centre for Inquiry, which is another anti-homeopathy skeptic group, is almost entirely funded by a director of a pharmaceutical company. They initiated a law suit against a homeopathic manufacturer and retail pharmacy selling homeopathic remedies which was unsuccessful. Now they are attempting to block the sale of homeopathic remedies in pharmacies.

Both groups are attempting to stop consumers’ choice of alternative health modalities and stop the sale of homeopathic remedies.

New Research From Aerospace Institute of the University of Stuttgart Scientifically Proves Water Memory and Homeopathy

A simple experiment by researchers and professors at the prestigious Aerospace Institute of the University of Stuttgart in Germany is confirming Dr. Jacques Benveniste’s 1988 assertion that water has an imprint of energies to which it has been exposed. In spite of Jacques Benveniste’s experiment to show that homeopathy works being replicated many many times at various research labs and universities around the world, skeptics have continued to attempt to debunk it albeit unsuccessfully.

This new experiment and support from professors here offer another intriguing view and explanation of how homeopathy works since it proves water has a “memory”.

The Oasis HD Channel in Canada describes the fascinating results of this new experiment-

Prince Charles Congratulates Homeopathy School’s Success

The School of Homeopathy in England held an historic event in Stroud to celebrate their 30th Anniversary. Many of the world’s leading homeopaths came to show support and give presentations and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales sent his warmest congratulations:

“I did just want to send my warmest possible congratulations in celebration of the Stroud School of Homeopathy’s 30th Anniversary. It seems to me this most noteworthy of events takes on an even greater resonance, coming as it does at a time when, sadly, we have been witnessing the relative decline of some homeopathic services in different parts of the United Kingdom.

It makes the achievements of the School even more significant – from being one of the first in this country to offer an on-site, four year programme, to developing an extensive clinical supervision process and, in addition, creating a home-study programme which reaches students in over sixty countries.

It seems remarkable all this has happened in spite of the apparently ceaseless attacks on homeopathy, and on the individuals attempting to build credibility around its patient outcomes, and I can only wish you every possible success in the years to come.”

Mani Norland, the School of Homeopathy’s Principal says, “This incredible event was our way of celebrating the School’s achievement of 30 years at the forefront of UK homeopathic education. This is one of the largest most exciting events ever held in homeopathy. Never before have so many influential homeopaths come together to present at one free online event – it is truly world class! We are honoured and proud to be given the added endorsement from His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. We feel it was a great gift to give the profession and a fitting way to mark the year for us.”

The School (which is the longest running in the UK) was founded in 1981 and quickly developed to be one of the first to offer an on-site four year programme. It has worked closely with the Society of Homeopaths during a long development towards an accreditation process.

Chair of Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine Department Praises Alternative Medicine

In a recent article in The Atlantic, many main stream medical doctors such as Dr. Gertz have come out in favour of homeopathy in spite of venomous attacks by skeptics. The author of the article writes:

 Morie Gertz, a hematologist, who chairs the Mayo Clinic’s internal-medicine department: “Most of the doctors here were top of their medical-school class, top of their residency, blah, blah, blah,” he told me. “That’s technical mastery. That doesn’t make them effective healers. Over the past 30 years, I’ve seen hundreds of patients who clearly feel they’ve benefited from alternative therapies. It’s not my job to tell them they shouldn’t feel better. And I wouldn’t tell patients they shouldn’t try alternative medicine if they want to—we need to follow the clues patients give us about what might help them. If a patient chooses to walk away from the therapy I’ve prescribed and go to an alternative therapist instead, that’s not the fault of alternative medicine; it’s because I’ve failed as a doctor to do a good job of making my case in terms that are important to the patient.”

Gertz is among the many physicians who dismiss the lack of supportive randomized-trial data as a reason to write off alternative medicine. “The randomized trial is a very high bar,” he says. “Eighty percent of what I do here isn’t based on randomized-trial data.”

Physicians routinely write “off-label” prescriptions, Gertz says—that is, prescriptions that call for drugs to treat conditions for which those drugs have not been officially approved. It’s a perfectly legal and ethical practice, and even one that physicians consider essential, accounting for about a fifth of all U.S. prescriptions. “It’s off-label not because it doesn’t work, but because there’s no good randomized-trial data on it. In the same way, we may not have great evidence that alternative medicine works, but that’s very different from saying it doesn’t work.”

Dr. Oz: “Alternative Medicine Empowers Us”

In a show on Alternative Medicine Dr. Oz on the The Dr. Oz Show came out dramatically in favour of consumers using alternative medicine. He had a Scripp’s clinic cardiologist on who recommends and discusses alternative health therapies with her patients.

He also discussed why “your doctor is afraid of alternative medicine” and mainstream America is using alternative health. On the show he asserts that 40 per cent of Americans use alternative health.

After a doctor on the show who represented the skeptic movement was rebuked for using research over 10 years old to come to the conclusion that alternative health modalities including acupuncture doesn’t work, the skeptics are attempting to attack and immolate Dr. Oz. In the end, Dr. Oz said that alternative health is a grassroots movement and empowering to consumers of health care.

The Dr. Oz show is the most watched health show in the world.

You can watch the show here.

Interviews with A Top Research Scientist in Homeopathy- Dr. Iris Bell

The National Center for Homeopathy features new interviews with Dr. Iris Bell MD, Phd who comes with top credentials in research science.

“Dr. Bell graduated with an AB degree in biology from Harvard University, magna cum laude. She then received her PhD in Neuro- and Biobehavioral Sciences and her MD from Stanford University. After completing her psychiatry residency at the University of California – San Francisco, Dr. Bell served as a faculty member at the University of California – San Francisco and, later, at Harvard Medical School. She is board-certified in psychiatry, with added qualification in geriatric psychiatry.

She has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles, as well as over a dozen book chapters, and a monograph on environmental chemical sensitivity. She has received grant funding from the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and numerous private foundations on topics ranging from nutrition in dementia and depression to the neurobiology of environmental illness to individual difference predictors of excellent outcomes during classical homeopathic treatment.

Dr. Bell is currently Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology, Medicine, Family & Community Medicine, and Public Health as well as Director of Research for the Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. She also directs an NIH-funded T32 Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research Training Grant for predoctoral and postdoctoral fellows.

In this interview, research scientist and Professor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine Dr. Bell continues to discuss research in homeopathy.  Dr. Bell answers the key questions “Is there evidence that homeopathy works?” and “Is homeopathy biologically active?”.

Dr. Bell also highlights the key differences between the “properties” of homeopathic medicine and conventional medicine. She says, “The evidence coming from multiple laboratories, multiple technologies and multiple investigators overwhelming demonstrates that homeopathy demonstrates biological activity.  Further, plausibility is addressed by ground breaking research in material science.”

Click here to listen to the interviews.