Results of Massive Independent Study for German Insurance Company Securavita Shows Homeopathy Patients Are Dramatically Better Off Than Conventional Patients

Research by a reputable independent research company done for Securivita, a German insurance company, shows that those receiving homeopathic care were much better off. Over 15,700 patients were involved in the three year study which also used a comparison group.

The study showed that, in a wide range of patients with various pathological problems, if they had homeopathic care they faired dramatically better than those just getting conventional medicine.

Children having homeopathy treatment from birth, were particularly healthier and with less problems. Over the three year study period, the number of children needing antibiotics decreased by 16.7 per cent in the homeopathy group, whereby it increased by 73.9 per cent in the conventional medical comparison group!

The number of hospitalizations in the comparison group increased by 32.6 per cent whereby in the homeopathy treatment group it decreased by 9.8 per cent!

Adults and children treated homoeopathically had significant improvements in allergies, dermatitis, asthma, just to name a few.

These are just a few examples of the remarkable benefits of homeopathic treatment outlined in the study by the Leipzig Health Forum , an independent analytical institute specializing in health services, conducted for Securvita Krankenkasse Insurer.

“We don’t need fewer, but more homeopathic doctors who will continue on this successful path,” says Götz Hachtmann , director of the health insurance company Securvita.

The study is in German and can be found here.