Homeopathic Remedy Reduces DNA Damage In Scientific Study

A study done at Cytogenetics and Molecular Biology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, University of Kalyani, India has shown that the remedy Arnica montana prepared in a 30c potency reduced the damage and oxydative stress of a bacteria that was exposed to ultraviolet (UV) irradiation.

The researchers concluded: “Arnica montana-30C helped repair the DNA damage through up-regulation of repair genes and also ameliorated the oxidative stress through the reduction of ROS generation and suitable modulation of anti-oxidative stress enzymes.”

You can view the abstract on Pubmed.gov.

Research Study Shows Homeopathic Complex Remedy Enhances Sperm

A study at the Institute of Physiology, Biochemistry and Hygien of Animals, Bonn University, Bonn, Germany showed that two homeopathic complex remedies enhanced bovine (cow) sperm. The tested homeopathic complex medicines showed “that mitochondrial activity was significantly enhanced by both Ubi comp (P<0.01) and CoQ10 comp (P<0.05)”.

The authors concluded that this study suggests that “the possibility that this translates into improved fertilization capacity in artificial insemination should be investigated.”

The study is published in an Elsevier published journal Homeopathy and can be found on PubMed.gov.

“Homeopathy Can Save The National Health Service Money”

Dr Sara Eames BSc MB ChB DGM FFHom describes how homeopathy can save the National Health Service of the United Kingdom money in this intriguing video. A medical doctor general practitioner, she started her interest in homeopathy after a patient was dramatically helped with homeopathy. She also describes how homeopathy can change childrens’ lives and improve their health, well being and social interactions.