Hard Hitting Documentary on Homeopathy About to Be Released

A documentary called “Magic Pills”, showing how homeopathy is practised world wide and the multitude of successful scientific research studies is about to be released. It also shows how much of this positive research on homeopathy has been suppressed.

Here is a quote from the web site for Homeopathy and The Magic Pills Movie:

Our current medical system is broken. It focuses on profits and disease, rather than people and wellness. It has few answers for chronic illness, and many of the treatments have side effects that can be worse than the original illness they’re meant to treat.

Homeopathy could be one of the more affordable and effective forms of medicine available. It’s been used to treat everything from Cancer to AIDS and even to prevent disease with very compelling results. There is an increasing body of evidence in the scientific literature to support the 200 years of clinical homeopathic experience, but this evidence is concealed and falsely ridiculed by a system afraid of alternatives.

Check it out here:

Magic Pills A film by Ananda More