In Vitro Study Shows Homeopathy Preparations Have Significant Antimalarial Activity

A study published in the International Journal of Medical and Health Research has shown that the Malaria Nosode and the homeopathic remedies Malaria officialis and China officialis inhibits heme crystallization in Malaria infections. The study was done at the Department of Pharmacology in Nair Ch. Hospital, Mumbai, India.

The study has shown anti-disease activity of an ultra-dilute (potentized) homeopathic preparation. The Malaria nosode prepared by potentizing Plasmodium falciparum organisms has demonstrated antimalarial activity, which supports the basic principle behind homeopathy, the law of similar.

Digestion of hemoglobin in the food vacuole of the malaria parasite produces very high quantities of redox active toxic free heme. Hemozoin (beta-hematin) formation is a unique process adopted by Plasmodium species to detoxify free heme. Hemozoin formation is a validated target for most of the well- known existing antimalarial drugs and considered to be a suitable target to develop new anti-malarial agents. The possible mechanisms of free heme detoxification in the malaria parasite and the mechanistic details of compounds, which offer antimalarial activity by inhibiting hemozoin formation, is the current area of research.

In the given study, all the three samples Malaria nosode 30c (coded as PFA), Malaria officinalis 30c and China officinalis 30c exhibited inhibition of hemozoin and the inhibition was greater than the positive control Chloroquine diphosphate used in the study. All the three samples when used in various combinations also exhibited inhibition greater than the positive control. The vehicle controls alcohol and potentized alcohol had also exhibited inhibition but the inhibition of samples was greater than the controls used.

International Journal of Medical and Health Research ISSN: 2454-9142, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.54
Volume 3; Issue 7; July 2017; Page No. 65-68

2 Responses

  1. Yessss Homeopathyworks ! without adverse reactions
    China off saved my life 20 yrs ago……………………

  2. Thank You for sharing this informative article .Your writing and research contribute to the development of Homeopathy medicine.

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